Group Classes

Toronto Songwriting School provides songwriting classes for every level of songwriter – from beginners who have never written a song and don’t play an instrument, to experienced songwriters looking to refine their craft, perform live and record their music.

Our small group songwriting classes are designed to foster creativity and collaboration in a supportive and encouraging environment. We help new songwriters learn the fundamentals, and we help more experienced songwriters write better songs. Due to COVID-19, all classes are currently meeting online via Zoom.

Beginner Songwriting Classes

Six-week course to develop songwriting fundamentals with hands-on songwriting exercises. We offer three unique courses under Beginner Songwriting to give you the foundation you need to write great songs. Some basic instrumental ability on either guitar or piano is helpful, but not required. See upcoming dates & details.

Intermediate Songwriting Classes

Four-week course to help intermediate songwriters improve their craft.  The class alternates between lessons to improve your technique and classes where original songs are shared, discussed and improved. See upcoming dates & details.

Lyric Writing Workshop

In this class, we focus on poetic techniques such as rhyme, alliteration, and repetition, and study the lyrics of songwriters ranging from Cole Porter to Eminem. No instrumental ability required to join this class. Class is offered monthly. See upcoming dates & details.

Private Songwriting Lessons

Work one-on-one on new songs and get personalized feedback on your current originals. Mentoring on songwriting, performance, and music industry development also available. See details and schedule a lesson.

Upcoming Songwriting Classes

  • April01Tuesday
    Songwriting for Beginners - Elements of Songwriting - 6-Week Course - Virtual
    7:00 pm 9:00 pm
  • April02Wednesday
    Original Song Workshop - 4-Week Course - Virtual
    7:00 pm 9:00 pm
  • April12Saturday
    Lyric Writing Workshop - Songs About Place - Virtual
    1:00 pm 3:00 pm
  • May10Saturday
    Phoebe Bridgers Lyric Writing Workshop - Virtual
    1:00 pm 3:00 pm